Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Fresh for 2009

Hey everyone.

It's been a little while since the last piece of news. However, tis a new year, with new president and new work from us!

Yes, in case you haven't checked it out already, visit our website www.wyldstallyons.com to view our latest work, commissioned by Universal Music for Irish band, The Blizzards. We delighted at all the great feedback and press we've had so far... and the fact that it will also be appearing in the next issue of STASH Magazine/DVD which is very exciting for us.

Also in the pipeline is our latest showreel for Spring 2009. We'll be posting a montage with some cheeky little nuggets never seen before pretty soon - so stay tuned.

Don't forget you can also keep abreast of latest WS events and news on our facebook group page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=logo#/group.php?gid=4608570953&ref=ts

Laters dudes
